Personal appearance is required for all passport applicants. Applicants are also required to book an appointment online. Please book your appointment at

The appointment and scheduling system allocates slots on a first come, first served basis. Appointment slots are FREE and NON-TRANSFERABLE. A successful appointment booking will generate an application that will be emailed to your indicated email address.

Users accept the responsibility for supplying, checking, and verifying the accuracy and correctness of the information they provide on this system in connection with their application. Incorrect or inaccurate information supplied may result in suspension or rejection of your application. Any information submitted in the system is subject to data privacy/protection and other pertinent laws and regulations.

The email account used for the appointment must be valid, active and accessible as the appointment confirmation will be sent to that email account. For passport appointments, users must have a valid Gmail or Yahoo email address.

Applicants who wish to change their appointments are reminded to cancel their old appointment schedule. Wait 24 hours before securing a new appointment slot in order to avoid multiple bookings. Should an applicant secure multiple bookings for the same service for various dates/appointment, the earliest booking shall be cancelled and only the latest date of appointment will be retained.


The Philippine Passport is at all times the property of the Republic of the Philippines. It must be surrendered upon demand by an authorized representative of the Philippine Government.

Alteration, addition, or destruction of contents is strictly prohibited. Any unauthorized change will render a passport invalid and will have accompanying penalties.

Using the passport as collateral is against the law and will automatically render the passport cancelled.

The information provided in the passport application form must be true and correct. The documents that will be submitted should be complete and authentic. Under the law, making false statements in the passport application form, furnishing falsified or forged documents in support thereof are punishable by law.

For applicants from the province of Manitoba kindly watch out for our press releases regarding consular outreach programs to be posted on our website.

The Consulate also takes this opportunity to inform the public that effective 01 January 2018, the Consulate will issue regular/ordinary passports with a validity of ten (10) years for Filipino citizens who are eighteen (18) years old and above, and regular/ordinary passports with a validity of five (5) years for those below eighteen years of age.

Applicants are also reminded to read and understand all the documentary requirements for the consular service they want to apply. Please read the Passport Requirements thoroughly to avoid delay or non-renewal.

The use of face covering is encouraged while inside the Consulate.


  • All applicants should secure an online appointment when applying for a passport (one appointment per applicant). Families should book an appointment for each family member including minors.
  • The public is advised to secure their passports prior to booking their flights. Flight bookings should ONLY be made if passports are still valid for at least six (6) months.
  • Confirmed appointment is required for all applicants.
  • Personal appearance is required for all applicants.
  • Prepare all the originals and photocopies of the documentary requirements for passport application.
  • Please come in proper attire (with collar and sleeves).
  • Applicants will be required to take off their eyeglasses, contact lenses and/or facial piercings during photo, biometrics and data capture. Jewelry such as earrings/ear piercings and necklaces are also not allowed during photo capturing.
  • Facial expression should be neutral (no heavy make-up, eyeliner or false eyelashes) with mouth closed. Ears should be made visible and forehead must be cleared (bangs/hair fringes should not cover forehead or touch the eyebrows.)
  • Applicants are no longer required to bring their own photos.


  • Approximate processing period is 6 to 8 weeks after application.
  • Upon receiving your passport, check if all the data on the new passport are correct and then affix your signature on the passport.
  • For minor applicants 13 years old and above, immediately affix the signature on the passport booklet upon receipt and checking of the passport.
  • For minor applicants 12 years old and below, leave it blank.
  • Passports unclaimed after one hundred and eighty (180) days will be cancelled per Department Order No. 37-03.
  • Do not staple anything on the passport booklet especially the covers as it may damage the electronic chip and render the e-passport unreadable.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Book an Appointment for Passport Application

passport appointment

NOTE - Payment of Fees
The Consulate accepts ONLY Cash, Bank Draft, Money Orders or Certified Cheques

Download Related Forms

NOTE: Please Download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat in order to view the forms.

New Regular Passport Application Form (Adult) 

Renewal Regular Passport Application Form (Adult)

 Regular Passport Application Form (Minor)

Report of Birth