1. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Import Clearance (SPSIC) – the application for SPSIC may be done by the client/applicant ONLINE at the InterCommerce Network Services (INS), the Bureau of Animal Industry’s authorized service provider, through its website http://www.intercommerce.com.ph/registrationbai.asp 

      Client will log in using their registered email address and password at http://www.intercommerce.com.ph/home.asp for the status of their application and printing of their SPSIC.

      For inquiries/queries, the Bureau of Animal Industry may be contacted at telephone no. +632 8528 2240 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

      Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City.
      Tel No: +632.920.0816

    1. International Health Certificate for Dogs and Cats issued by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Please refer to INTERNATIONAL HEALTH CERTIFICATE FOR DOGS AND CATS)

      ⇒ The International Health Certificate for Dogs and Cats should be authenticated by Ministry of Government Services/ Official Documents Services (ODS).

      ⇒ The authenticated International Health Certificate should be submitted to the Philippine Consulate for final authentication.

      -Secure a health certificate for each pet from a duly licensed veterinarian or from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency. The health certificate should be issued within 30 days before the date of arrival in the Philippines. The health certificate should certify that the animal is free from, and has not been recently exposed to, any dangerous or communicable disease, and that it has been given anti-rabies and other required inoculations.

  1. The SPSIC and the authenticated International Health Certificate must be presented at the airport upon the arrival at the Philippines.

The Consulate is NOT RESPONSIBLE for delay or loss in mail or any other uncontrollable circumstances surrounding acknowledgment or authentication of your documents.

Please see Bureau of Customs website: Importation of Pets (Animals) and Household Plants | Bureau of Customs