This appointment and scheduling system allocates slots on a first come, first served basis. Appointment slots are FREE and NON-TRANSFERABLE.
Users accept the responsibility for supplying, checking, and verifying the accuracy and correctness of the information they provide on this system in connection with their application. Incorrect or inaccurate information supplied may result in suspension or rejection of your application.
Any information submitted in the system is subject to data privacy/protection and other pertinent laws and regulations.
The email account used for the appointment must be valid, active and accessible as the appointment confirmation will be sent to that email account. For passport appointments, users must have a valid Gmail or Yahoo email address.
Applicants who wish to change their appointments are reminded to cancel their old appointment schedule before securing a new appointment slot in order to avoid multiple bookings. Should an applicant secure multiple bookings for the same service for various dates/appointment, the earliest booking shall be cancelled and only the latest date of appointment will be retained.
Applicants are also reminded to read and understand all the documentary requirements for the consular service they want to apply.
The use of face covering is encouraged while inside the Consulate.
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Book an Appointment for Passport Application
Book an appointment here for passport renewal
Please read the Passport Requirements thoroughly to avoid delay or non-renewal at :
Step-by-Step Guide on How to Book an Appointment for Notarization of Documents, Dual Citizenship, Civil Registry and NBI
For SSS Booking For Online booking please click here